Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Operation Fast and Furious

So I know this happened a while ago, but I was thinking about it today while I was at work.  To be quite honest, it got me pretty riled up.  The supposed goal of F&F was to catch big time gun buyers in Mexico.  You know what the problem with that is?  The BATFE is US government agency...they didn't stop the straw buys of guns in the US as is their mandate, but attempted to link straw purchases in the US to drug cartels in Mexico.  Based on their history this means only one thing to me.  They were attempting to lay ground work to increase the level of restrictions of firearm purchases in the US by linking them to crimes committed on foreign soil.  If they were doing their job and enforcing the current laws in the US (where straw purchases of firearms are illegal) the utter catastrophe which resulted from F&F would never have occurred.  Furthermore, if the goal of this operation was genuinely for the good of the American people, it seems to me they would have taken the time to put some of their over a billion dollar a year budget into high tech tracking equipment, and not assembled it from bargain bin Radio Shack tech.  The end result of F&F was as follows...their Radio Shack tracking equipment failed, all the guns being tracked by the ATF were lost into the hands of Mexican Cartels, and Americans lost their lives as a result.  The point of all this is, if current laws were correctly enforced more guns would be available to law abiding citizens of these United States, and less would be in the hands of criminals.  We don't need MORE gun laws, we need people competent enough to enforce the CURRENT gun laws.  Which, to my way of thinking, are already in violation of our Constitutional rights as Americans, but that's another blog all together.  Actually, several blogs will probably quickly follow, all related to similar topics...they are just my opinion, agree with it or don't.

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